
b is for beer

today i'll be picking up that book at the library. it's by tom robbins. i adore him.

i'll be living it all summer long. oh lushdom, i heart you!

i seem to have lost my rose colored glasses lately. i guess it's nice to see more clearly now, but it's always sad to lose things.


heather said...

I have lost my rose colored glasses as well. love is not always rosy and it doesn't always feel good, life is not always rosy, and is often harder than we planned... all in all, we have to hold on to the good moments, learn to be content, and find our place in this world. there are no fairy tales and nothing lasts forever.

hows that for seeing things clearly!! ;)

Jacob Blankenship said...

Along with my rose colored glasses, I think my ACTUAL glasses are broken... =(
Look out night time pedestrians of the world!!!!