
friday, i l.o.v.e. LOVE you --- in listy form.

1. i love you.
2. like a lot.
3. i also love beer. and bacon.
4. and the coast.
5. and friends at the coast.
6. and all that jazzy.
7. pictures on monday, i hope.
8. hope i don't lose my internet connection at home. boo.
9. learning to solve a rubik's cube is radtastic. fyi.
10. friends showing up unexpectedly at craft night is ALSO raaaad!
11. friends getting new houses is also rad.
12. friends having birthdays are also cool.
13. chicks&rabbits are SUPER cool.
14. embroidering is also coolio.
15. friends pitying you and helping you with makeup is fabulous.
16. lists are fantabulous!

1 comment:

Hennifer said...

being nosey is also fantabulous and I want to know all the details behind this list...

who is getting a new home and did I miss someone's birthday?