
Recipe for The Weekend of Fun in Which Gabrielle Remembers that She’s Pretty Crazy (with Sprinkles of Hijinks)

1. Sing “Straight Up” at karaoke.

2. Drink beer.

3. Continue to solve Rubik’s Cubes like a mofo!

4. Dance to 'Footloose'! Woop Woooopity Woop Woop!

5. Go to the SpeakSlooz-a-thon and dance to 'Footloose' (yes again!), and ‘Like a Virgin’, and ‘Billie Jean’, and the crap they play that V. likes. ;)

6. Drink more beer.

7. Go to another bar and drink more beer.

8. Make friends with Devo/Deuce/Deven at Shari’s.

9. Get a LOVELY RIDE HOMES from friendy friend.

10. Instead of having crappy hangover, push it into overdrive and be INSANE! with caffeine and obnoxiousity while moving your dear friends WITH your dear dearie friends.

11. Make friends with (or make a fool of yourself with) Ty-Ty the Cable Guy at Megan’s.

12. Find the finest pair of legs EVER and make everyone JEALOUS YO!!!!!

13. Try to not be Too MellowYellow Saturday with Coconut Rum and Taboo with friendyfriends.

14. Get in the Guiness Book of World Records in the “Dirt Under Your Nails” category (they just added this category in 2006, btw) while planting lettuce, spinach, basil, zucchini, carrots, broccoli, a bunch o’ flowers in your new garden.

15. Read an obscene amount of vampire fun fun book in the sunshiney.

16. Watch two of the world’s sweetest girls jump on the trampoline and squeal about the warm orange orb in the sky.

17. Have a sexy hardworking man mow lawn so that you can inhale the yummy smell of cut grass.

18. Have fun clove time with super rad Pippi.

19. Do six loads of laundry and put the clothes away while watching Joss Whedon’s ‘Dr. Horrible’ online.

20. Read more of your book in cool sheets after the world’s yummiest shower.

21. Reenact some hot sexiness from your book with like a real live hot person! Ahhh yeah! ;)

Combine all ingredients. Do NOT over mix. Rinse. Repeat.


gabrielle said...

those are some RAAAAD legs, right???? ;)

BK said...

I knew the moment you found those legs, that our lives would never be the same! A few things from my weekend you might try soon:
make chocolate chili
go for a walk and steal flowers from ppls yards
breed some bunnies
get a bitty little sunburn
wear an orange cami

the girl said...

1. Looks like you made up a word this weekend, too!

2. Yay, Dr. Horrible! I've been listening to the soundtrack repeatedly. See my FB wall for details. ;)

Hennifer said...

I like the new background color

Megan said...

Ty is going to be at my house tomorrow from 10-12. Want to come over?