
Always something to make me smile

1. TAMALES: My first attempt at making tamales will happen this weekend at the coast with Ryan’s fantastic parents and the help of little girl hands. (mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm………)

2. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

3. My beloved V-town made me a little copy of this sweet sweet sweeeeeet little print by Marc Johns.

4. Coming together and witnessing a beautiful, heartbreaking ceremony in a group of amazing people.

5. Planting flowers to bring joy and magnificence.

6. The amazing abutilon plant.

7. Listing during the day to get through the day is gooooood.

8. RUBY!

9. Believing that I can play bridge.

10. Believing I can play pool.

11. The Cheech and his insatiable need for the TOY!

12. Unexpected full days with Jennifer.

13. The fullest, sexiest, most voluptuous peonies ever to be created in the universe.

14. Reading.

15. Watching True Blood. It’s HOT yo!

16. Fresh peas from the garden.

17. Aaaannnnnnnnnnd…..T-Pain.

18. "Paper Planes” by M.I.A.

19. My lil’ itty bitty iPod Shuffle and the girls’ morning soundtrack: Fish Heads by They Might Be Giants, Seven Nation Army by the White Stripes, Single Ladies by Beyonce, Alfie by Lily Allen, Bruises by Chairlift, Add it Up by Violent Femmes, Bulldog by The Beatles, and usually something by CSS.

20. Lazy lazy time in the hot hot sun.

21. Thinking of being lazy in the hot sun.

22. My ONE lil’ broccoli plant growing from seed.

23. Hollyhock about ready to bloom.

24. Transplants that take.

25. Strawberries with FLAVOR!

26. Laying in the grass talking to one of the best people in the universe on the phone, and feeling oh-so-close to her again.

27. Knitting again, even if I forget how to do EVERY last part of it!

28. Dancing…even if you have to ditch your normal haunts and choose the hiphop (at the gayclubs!!).

29. Little baby boys, and their baby boyness.

30. Girls brushing their own hair.

31. Renaming Fish to Whiskers (brought to you by Clementine).

32. Portland days.

33. “Billiards are my thing!”

34. Car doors when they don’t fall off.

35. Endless mangoes.

36. The picture of pancakes on Portland Monthly.

37. Going to weddings of people I don’t know, but already adore!

38. TURBO JAM at the office! “Where’s your phone? Home phone….Cell phone.”

39. Discovering the hot hot beauty of writing in black ink.

40. Putting the hair up.

41. When someone has a bobby pin for me.


Hennifer said...

Nice list, I came here to link to my page to make a similar list.

I'm really needing to focus on the positive today.

Heart Salve said...

making tamales is fun. i used to make them from scratch a lot.

Heather Luna said...

Elsie and I love Seven Nation Army too!

the girl said...

Too much to comment on so I'll just say that I <3 M.I.A., thought that picture of pancakes was really fly, and for the most part I only really enjoy writing in black ink.

Although I do love my silver sharpie...

Jacob Blankenship said...

mmmm... the tamales were so yummy. Thanks for sharing! =)

And as an aside, interesting, yet completely unrelated topic, I read in an article about food stylists (whom I like to read about) using motor oil in photographs instead of maple syrup, because it doesn't absorb into the pancakes the way the syrup does... Doesn't make the picture any less appetizing though, it's still pretty hot. lol

Jacob Blankenship said...

and, gawd...I love the way the magazine put the "maple syrup" drip over the ISSN/UPC box....damn. That's genius.

Hennifer said...

This new hip-hop liking of yours feels so weird (I learned who T-Pain was last night :-)