
moving right along

The hot hot sun has made quite an impression on me. I have been rolling in the dirt!

Recently I caught wind of a woman Freecycling her unwanted flowers including a PASSSSION FLOWER! I have coveted passion flowers for over a decade now, and finally I have one!! I’m nervous about the lil’ transplant though. She looks awful droopy. So many things excite me out in the garden though. The redness of my begonia’s stalk, the fuzziness of the poppy buds about ready to pop open, the dozens of flowers on the pumpkins. And sedums! Soooo fantastic!

Something has truly clicked on for me out there. Smelling the soil, imagining the water trickling down to the tips of the roots and shooting energy back up to the leaves and blooms. It’ll still be sometime before the broccoli is ready, or anything really, so at this point I am merely in awe with the basic principles of growth. The simplicity of it all killlllls me. Maybe some photos would help you all get as enamored with this as I am. Hmm… I’ll post them on Monday. Until then, enjoy my lil’ adventurer in Pringle Creek right off Deepwood.


BK said...

The simplicity does kill, doesn't it? Like Barbara Damrosch says, just plant it green-side-up!

Pamela said...

I have a passionflower!!! I do! :) It hasn't bloomed yet, but she's growing up the porch. You'll see her Sunday.