
i miss you

Friday's list - Foods and drinks I miss. Some of them still exist but are hard to find or are somehow different now. Some aren't sold around here. And some are just plain gone.... :( And yeah, feel free to notice that none of these foods are good for you! Teeheeeee!

  • I’m going to be honest right now. I learned about these on a hilarious Seinfeld episode. Newman has an obsession with them, and after eating them I knew why. They’re spongy cake with cinnamon strudel --- I mean it’s not like Jacob made them or anything but for something that you can buy in any convenient store on the East Coast, they’re hella good yo! The beloved Drake’s Cakes are nowhere to be found out here though. BOOO hooooo! :(

  • I know these are still around, but I am not insane to truly believe they have done something to the Cadbury Egg recipe in the last ten years. Do you remember when the yolky inside was runny like a Caramello, and sickening sweet and smooth? The last few years they have almost always been thick and gritty (and don't try to tell me I've just been purchasing old ones, or that they're too cold! I've been testing them out - hoping, praying down on my knees for the lil' eggs brought by a bunny would taste like they did in their heyday!) Sigh... :(

  • Oh hot-damn! It’s-It ice cream sandwiches are EVERYWHERE in California…or at least they were in the Bay Area. They’re these bizarre little oatmeal cookies with ice cream in the middle----often mint! Weird combination of flavors, but I am telling you --- they’re goooood! I found them at the Capitol Market on 14th Street, but they stopped carrying them. Super DUPER boooo!

  • I think they still make these drinks in some form or another, but definitely with some fake sweetener. They used to be SO great, in these fantastic bottles. Oh Canada!

  • I have discussed my love of Tato Skins for years. They’ve come back periodically in vending machines, and now TGIFridays makes some version of them, but they’re not exactly the same. Tato Skins in their original conception were GENIUS! Does anyone miss them like I do? The picture shows the Cheddar & Bacon flavor, which I would not have eaten before (although sounds goooood!). They did have an original flavor that was amazing!

  • The Jell-O Pop was a FAVORITE of my mom's, but you get the idea right? I mean, how bad could frozen pudding be, right? They quickly became a household staple back when they were more rectangular than the ones shown below. They were around for about five years or so and then were taken off the market. :( They came back but I can't seem to find them anymore. What are people thinking??!?!?

  • Koala Sparkling Juice is probably the thing I miss the most. Now that the Izze drinks are on the market, I should probably get over it, but...I drank the Koala juices all the freaking time in high school! LOVED their flavors! They had grapefruit & something, and kiwi lime, and orange mango. Made with REAL juice, and not too sweet, AND carbonated. DAMN! Is this not the perfect drink?? Where did you go????? Below is the only photo I could find of the bottles.


Pamela said...

those crumby coffee cakes are the best. mmmm so deliciously MOIST! (ha)

I remember the summer we ate so many JEllo pudding pops. They were incredible. god.

the drinks? eh, not so much.

though my alliance with you for chocolate milk remains. I'm glad that will never go out of fashion!

Hennifer said...

I had totally forgotten about those Koala drinks. Yum!

Oh how I adore the Jell-o pop and the Tater Skins. And I think the flatter retangular shape of the Jell-o pop was more pleasing.

I love reminiscing about foods that are no more, or are New and Improved and gross and not the same!

Jacob Blankenship said...

The Cadbury Eggs in CA and NM this year were soft and creamy and runny...I don;t think the recipe has changed, I think it has something to do with the Oregon weather?!

Pudding pops? It's It (w3hich i think can still often be found in a lot of gas stations, fyi)? Clearly Canadian? Potato skins? Yum. Serious Yum.

I have never had the coffee cake things. But I will go out on a limb and say that I would be on board with them too.

mmmmmmmm I miss TCBY and other such wonderful yogurt places where have they gone?!(there is that one jenky little one in the gas station of the casino on the 22 when you are heading to the coast...but that isn't very convenient now is it)

BK said...

OMG, the it's it's is the very best thing on EARTH. You could still get one at the gas station in Monmouth a few years back. Otherwise, a rice dream moon pie is the closest things too it. I've often considered making my own. They are so so so perfect. Sigh. The convenience store next to the house where I lived off and on from ages 8-13 sold plain, chocolate and chocolate chip mint. For a buck.

gabrielle said...

oh of course! chocolate milk! how DIVINE!!

pudding pops are so phenom. i guess they're sometimes still available in places.

you're so right jacob, where's our frozen yogurt?? booooootown!

it's it are unbelievable. it just tickles me that they're oatmeal cookies instead of choc chip.