
if i must stay home...

i will chat with my friends that i adore!

i will do laundry, and contemplate the dishes.

i will also get hot&bothered over this application! ;)

and keep the the hot part going by contemplating cleaning up my studio.

i will imagine what i should be crafting tonight.

i will over-grope my squash leaves, and little cukes.

i will also think about getting a beer with my lovely v later tonight.

i might make room for texting the universe!

i will think about the things that NEED to get done.

i will listen to some FABULOUS MUSIC on pandora.

i will ALSO daydream about moving my body more...JAZZERCISE?? :)

i'll get back to being hot&bothered when i daydream about my 30th birthday party!

i will love and love and LOVE on my girls. they're playing with balloons, and clem is begging me to lay down with her. these days are so precious!

i will get down to snoop dogg! that's riiiiight!

i will fantasize about a zoo trip of FUNNNN!

i will refrain from making those bracelets.

i will smother some toast with j's blueberry jam!!!! <3

i *may* get dressed.

*if* i do, then i will gather quarters and take the girls downtown.

but i will miss hanging with v-town at the office. boooooooo! :'(


Hennifer said...

it all sounds lovely, I hope you had a grand day

BK said...

You get with Doggy Dogg oh is he crazy?
With ya mama and your daddy hollin' bay-bee...

Heart Salve said...

i recently heard about zumba - http://www.zumba.com/us/

sounds kind of interesting :)

i too want to make an effort to move my body more. i need to restart yoga again. there's an incredible yoga teacher that comes to stayton once a week. i'm really not that far away in case you'd ever want to take a class together :)