
telephone line...give me a sign!

If you are looking for an AWFUL house painter, one that will take FOREVER, and will likely complain the whole time, you should call me! I excel in those areas, plus I’m freeeeee!

If you are wanting to rewatch many episodes of Buffy, Pushing Daisies, or the Harry Potter movies, you know like on my bed when my girls are ‘sleeping’ (and in this case ‘sleeping’ means there’s a VERY good chance they will climb on top of us and in fact be very much not-sleeping), then give me a ring.

If you are looking for someone to go karaoking with, and are SUPER excited when people come along that don’t sing a lot but have a lot of spunk, and in fact when they get up to sing their songs, they actually know NONE of the words, and are severely off key, then you should give me a call.

If you make some DELICIOUS food, and need some feedback on it, you MUST call me. Definitely call if it pleases you most when you give and give and give yummy homemade food, but actually never want any in return because you know…I never make anything!

Please note: I don’t *really* answer the phone…like EVER, so if you’re in need of any of the aforementioned, texting is your best bet. That way I can LOL all over you!


BK said...

I wouldn't say "severely" off key. Also, we knew some words, and there is a word for those words that we know. It's called the chorus. :)
Also, in my limited but growing karaoke experience, swagger counts for a lot more than singing or knowing the words to songs, and baby, you got that in spades!

Hennifer said...

You are so lovely!

When has all this karaoke been happening?

gabrielle said...

it happened friday night, but there is more happening all the time! you're in girl. no backing out now!