
Tuesday 5 Things: Toys!

5 Toys You LOVED as a Kid, and Still LOVE!

Mr. Potato Head, how I LOVE thee! This photo is kinda scary, no? I guess they used to come with a lot more chokable pieces! This was one of the first toys that was a MUST-HAVE for Hannah. It continues to be a favorite in our household.

Lite-Brite!! Didn't have one when I was a kid, but every time I went over to Jessie's house, it was the first toy I pleaded with her to play with----oh those little pieces. I totally lucked out and got one a few years ago...can't remember how it was that I scored it, probably Goodwill or something. So colorful and fabulous!

These magnetic space/gyro wheely doo-dads. Could anything be cooler? Answer: No. They are delightful fun. Never had one of my own. Not quite sure why, but they're SOOO cool! I contemplate getting one for the girls, but then again I'd always do the playing!

The smell. The softness. The vibrant color. Play-Doh, you are my hero!

I bought a set of Tinker Toys for my 'nephew' Xander one year. They're just not that 'cool' anymore yo. Bah, so they're dangerous and those sticks get sharp when you break them in half and get them close to someone's eye----what's the big deal??!?! They're so super rad! I played with mine wayyyyy after it was appropriate. Sigh... Oh toys!

And YOU? What are the best toys?? The toys you wanted and never got? Or the toys you beloved more than you thought possible??


BK said...

1.Fisher-Price Little People-the old ones that you could choke on, esp the REALLY old ones that were wooden. Although the new plastic too-fat-to-choke-on ones are a better representation of America (including myself).
2.Rainbow Brite (I liked her before she was retro-cool).

gabrielle said...

mmm! Viewmaster! of course! I have three of them! <333

Also Rainbow Brite was fantastic! I totally remember coveting Starlite (her beautiful rainbow maned horse) at this little toy boutique. I still have lil' Starlite! :)

Hennifer said...

I need to make my own list but that gyro wheel about made my orgasm! I LOVED that toy!

Hennifer said...

1. The gyro wheel
2. Rubix cube - I loved to pull it apart
3. Lite Brite - not sure I ever owned one, ALWAYS coveted it
4. Play-doh
5. Legos - back before then came in sets for everything