
friday list of gooood!

  1. Clem for being such a big brave lil' sister on her first day without big BIG sister at school.
  2. H! Her excitement about today just about killed me. MY excitement was successful. (I'm dead).
  3. Making artwork again. I mean, I know I keep saying it, but there is something quite fresh and new about the pieces I'm working on --- and this renewed excitement. I am missing some piece of it though---there's still something that it needs.
  4. P! Watching my ladies tomorrow night for some MUCHHHH needed adult time with Ryan!
  5. RYANNN for going out with me. <3
  6. Feeling loved, spreading love.
  7. Overcaffeinated Fridays!
  8. Adding new words to the Good Word List! Little by little, we'll get to 1500!

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