
friday listing: things tickling my heart right now

1. whimsical seven dollar emporium
2. all the wonderous people that care for lil' hbird & lil' cbear all day. hot damn i love you!
2.1 amazing tv!! and the best tv watching partner of the century, one lil' hot cheeeech!!!
3. a day of frivolity and inspiration starting tomorrow at 8:36am
4. v---you have saved my life at work (and in many other ways!)
5. glee --- it's adorable yo!
6. painted yellow fingernails
6.1 amazing art shows
7. just being in the shop. feeling jittery with all the ideas!!
8. eggnog ice cream!
9. squash
10. good lunch dates!
11. pumpkin lattes at starbucks ---- i mean, holy jack-o-lanterns!! do they put crack in those???
12. warm lil' lips kissing me a 'have a great day, baby!' as i walk into work
13. badminton stil up! (this will be on the list every freakin' chance it gets!)
14. BULBS!
15. the geeks in 'freaks & geeks'. gawd they're cute!

1 comment:

BK said...

Bill, of Freaks and Geeks, changed my life. I <3 him. 8:36 rocks my world!