
should be a friday list, but it's a friday ramble

Haven't quite figured out how to make a lil' grid of images on here that you can click on the image independently... So instead of having a gorgeous little array of things that are inspiring to me, you'll just have to take me at my word----I'm inspired, yo!

Last night I finished organizing and cleaning my artspace. It does make me extremely hot to see it all in a USABLE way. I realized recently that it's more or less been out of commission for a year already. So for the space to be organized and utilizable, it really is inspiration itself. It's like there's this little bunch of moss in there that was created out of nothingness.

I vow to take pictures of some of the most delectable items in there for you!

Weekend: badminton, school clothes shopping, and MAKING STUFFFFF!

1 comment:

BK said...

It was created out of moss and yogurt in the blender, artfully painted on over the course of years ;)