
Tuesday 5 Things: Things for the Fall

5 Warm Happy Things That Will Happen This Fall

  1. Make applesauce and apple butter
  2. Grow my own pumpkins
  3. Fall in love with kindergarten (oh, hopefully Hannah does too!)
  4. Make my artspace inspiring again
  5. Furthering my Enchanted Forest fantasy of kitschy kiddie charm

and you??


Victoria said...

1. Find a basketball team for me to rock!
2. IIIII will watch the Harry Potter series/read Twilight!
3. Make my room beautiful <3
4. Introduce my good friends to my other good friends! :)))))

Hennifer said...

1. Family fun nights
2. Playdates
3. Lots of reading!
4. Hanging with my grandparents
5. a tattoo!

BK said...

1.build a scarecrow
2.start homeschool preschool with Maia
4.finish my canning (whew!)
5.pick up my crafting where I left off in spring :)

Pamela said...

1. learn to knit and embroider better
2. tattoo, too!!!
3. lose another 10 lbs, or 15 would be sweet
4. spend more time with friends
5. organize my office!!!

gabrielle said...

loving all of them ladies!!! <3

Messed up Mama said...

1. Learn to love having a First Grader.
2. Knit that Irish Fisherman's sweater for my Dad that I've put off for 2 years.
3. Do some sewing, now that I have a sewing machine.
4. Bake.
5. Have fun.