
Tuesday's 5 Things: 5 Places You Feel Most You!

So today's about feeling like YOU! -- The MOST you!

List the 5 Places You Feel Essentially Yourself - no being 'good', or trying to impress, or charades, smoke & mirrors, or fake accents, just lil' ol' you!

1. Dancing Dancing Dancing!
2. London
3. In an old greenhouse
4. Making art (preferably in an attic)
5. With Nicole (I may be romanticizing here because I haven't seen her in over three years, but there has always been something about Nicole that brings out the most ME-ness)

And YOU??? Where do you feel like you?


BK said...

1. In the car in the rain at night.
2. In my old neighborhood.
3. Dutch Oven (it's a campsite)
4. In the kitchen.
5. At my mom's house, wherever that happens to be at the moment.

BK said...

WAIT! If we get to count people as places, then I need to say that being around my brother makes me the most me, no matter where we are. He has the clearest shot of who I am and why.

Jacob Blankenship said...

I will fallow suit, since you are clearly using the word "places" loosely . . . less physical spaces and more places of being.

1. Alone and singing (which could be anywhere... my poor neighbors)
2. In a classroom (be it teaching or learning)
3. Dressed up on Halloween (in some large party setting...like in the Castro or Las Vegas)
4. Being the center of attention, anywhere (muahahahahahah)
5. Planning and preparing for a party (much more so than at the actual party itself)

Jacob Blankenship said...

No I wasn't talking about a deer...hehehe

fallow / follow, you know what I mean!