
Tuesday Fives!: Comforting Things Starting with the Letter 'H'

Took a week off, but i'm back!

5 Things that are Oh-SO-Comforting that Start with the Letter ‘H’.

  1. HARRY POTTER! I’m definitely in some weird hypnotic haze with Harry lately. The girls can always persuade me to watch a Harry Potter movie. ALWAYS. Curled up with them seeing Harry fly around is really about the best thing ever!
  2. Hannah Snuggles. Where do kids learn how to snuggle? She’s not afraid to plant herself in the crook of your arm and hold on for dear life should she be on the edge of the couch.
  3. Hot cocoa. LOVE that it’s cocoa season. YUM! YUM! So warm and lovely. So utterly perfect.
  4. Harmony – especially Beatles’ harmony. Playing Beatles Rockband with my fave people is one of the finest things in life. Why can certain music ease your soul so perfectly?
  5. Helsinki. (okay, maybe I ran out of ‘H’ words!)


BK said...

Honey, horn-rims, hot tub, Halley's comet, half-moon.

Hennifer said...

Homemade bread, honey, hot chocolate, harmony, and especially during the fall, home!

Jacob Blankenship said...

Hmmmm. . . Hash browns, Hearth, Horchata, Ham, Hummus, Hammocks, Hamburgers, Hollandaise, Halloween, Hay rides, Holidays, Hydrangea. . .