
has it really been so long? Friday List Returns!

I've missed you. we must catch up!

  • last night I stood in line with hundreds of 12 year-old girls to watch the midnight showing of 'New Moon', yeah that's right! SUCK IT! It was GOOD yo!
  • celebrating lovely birthdays is happening
  • the celebrating of my lovely 30th birthday DID happen and it was glorious
  • the most amazing meal ever is ever approaching (aka THANKSGIVINGGGGGuh!)
  • OSCAR LEVI JAMES!!!! (welcome!! we love youuuu!)
  • being bangin'!
  • peppermint mocha creamer
  • THE SKIRT---that's right. it was amazing. B sewed up my art and it is stunning.


BK said...

What do you think about a wedding gown made of magazine images?

Megan said...

I need to see a picture of the SKIRT!

gabrielle said...

i know!! i need to get pics up! and yeah... i wish every article of my clothing was made out of images!! a GIANT gown would be amazingggggg!