
'tis the season!

There is something so contagious right now: joy! Warm, effortless, joy is just spewing out of people right now. I'm trying to do a little squirreling away of it for future times, but I think I may just eat it all immediately! The FOOD, the treats, the little berries, adorable ornaments, finding ways to get together, the lights!, the eggnog, the MINT!!, the holiday movies! Seriously guys, I got it bad yo! It's oh-so-cold out, and I'm in a cozy cornucopia of treasure & inspiration.

Finally made Jennifer's gift last night. So fulfulling to have a few moments of quiet to contemplate creating again. It's so darn tootin'-cold out so it's impossible to work in the shop. I've comandeered our underused dining room table and have spread all my trinkets and glitter and clippings EVERYWHERE! Teehee! I'm sure Ryan doesn't mind, nor the girls, when I prohibit them from touching anything!! (including their own little broken toys that I've claimed as mine!!)

I really want you all to see my tree this year. Let's just say that it's a quintessentially 'Gab' altar to beauty! It has all these little sparkly things and random items from our lives pinned on with love and... JOY!

It's a good time all around and I'm BIG on the sending out the love this year! You feeling it??


BK said...

Can we get a pic of that topper?

Hennifer said...

I'm feeling it! I love you!