
friday list: i love you!

so i've been sick all week --- not knock you on your ass sick, but sick, ok? jeeesh. in the midst of that, i carry around with me --- all the time --- this eternal flame of inspiration. i'm not even sure where it came from, but i'm jotting all these lists down, i'm making all these piles. i'm just up to my elbows in ideas i tell you! i return always to this illustrious day dream of a quiet attic studio with a balcony. would that be SOO hard to do? i mean c'mon! a girl can dream...

things that i'm so smitten with it just makes me spit!:
  • purring kitties
  • snuggling girls that request 'harry potter' to watch
  • packaging
  • cardboard
  • my perfect tree, may you live in my heart forever
  • glee - yep watching and rewatching until new episodes come back on
  • cocoa with candycanes
  • these amazing vintage houseplant care cards that are kept in this little greenhouse. jennifer got it for me for christmas, and it's FANTASTICCCCCC!
  • forcing myself to bloggity blog blog
  • goals
  • scarves
  • &
  • youuuuuu!


Hennifer said...

Yay! My day is always brighter when you blog!

I still need to work on my blogging daily thing. Boo.

I adore you and am sorry you've been sick.

Hennifer said...

OMGAWD!!! I just realized your new title banner. I was just saying to myself the other day that I thought it was time for a new one! I love it!

BK said...

I recognize the string shop pic from Eugene :) Good list today! I think I may have caught a bug. I haven't been sick yet ALL YEAR. I was kinda starting to think I'm invincible but alas...