
melancholy monday

Something pithy to say . . . something that expresses how much I have mulled around my thoughts. I sit and I wait for clever little phrases extracted from my brain to magically meet my fingertips as I type . . . but nothing.

I have been struggling. Heart and mind feeling so discordant, I have opted to do nothing. I suppose ‘doing nothing’ has turned into my schtick, which honestly, I would have never imagined for myself. Such a go-getter/do-er/mover&shaker I once was now seems so distant. I suppose that agent little creature has grown tired over the years, and now she prefers to just sit --- well lay, actually.

This weekend was filled with laying in the sun, which is on my top 5 favorite things in the universe, which in no particular order are:

1. Hot tubs.
2. Ginger.
3. Laying in the sun.
4. My girls.
5. Art & sex.

The list of course, always changes, but I’ve been humored by the idea that hot tubs and ginger always come to mind before art & sex. Beer is on there too on some days but right now it just sounds so bloaty. It is the sun that reigns in there the most I will say out of parental honesty. It does something to me now that I’ve never known before. I believe it simplifies things.

p.s. i would like to go back and add more things to my favorite all time things list right now (like flowers and music and dancing of course, but i will refrain. other days those things will win out.)

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