
Friday List of Love! Things I WILL do this weekend!

1. SWIMMM in the pool with the children and Jennifer and remember not to freak out by how loud it gets!
2. Hike in the mossy forest in the Coastal Range with MacKenzie.
3. Eat amazing breakfast at Otis Café.
4. Eat some PHENOM apricot jam that Jacob and I made. DAMNNN!
5. Have a fabulous Hannah/Mama day on Saturday.
6. FIND the cord that connects lil’ V’s camera to the computer so I can finally upload some photos and start caring about this damn blog again!
7. Take more photos of the garrrrrden.
8. Make iced tea.
9. Watch A Single Man.
10. Play more table tennis on the Wii!!
11. Re-read more of the last Harry Potter. Teeheeeee!


Victoria v. Victoria said...

Finalllllly, sheeesh! <3

BK said...

We have very similar weekends in store, with beach and swimming and photos and food and Potter! (I'm catching up on the last two movies) :)

gabrielle said...

i got everything done but finding that darn photo cord! grrrr!