
friday so good!


Emily has been feeding my soul with good cinema talks for days now and I cannot help but update my Top 50 Films List! Of course now I am going to stop kidding the universe and make it into my Top 100. Yes, I do have 100 favorite movies but am trying to take my time to add carefully...I'll link to it once I've finished it. (you might be saying ... "Gabrielle, you can NEVER finish the list. Your lists are always moving and changing". and then I say, 'Damn, you're so right!') (I've linked to it now even though it is NEVER complete!)

I also have to mention two very important things: I love the name Felix. ANDDDD... my spirit is flying high today. The pains of this week have been deep and mourned, but just like an unfortunate slide into home for the game winning run that would have won the game but instead you were tagged out --- it's time to stand up, dust myself off and you know... hang out in the dugout?? I wish this analogy had taken me to a different place!

things good:
Coffee is good. So is the sun. So is fall coming (even though I am going to miss summer something fierce). So are great birthdays. So are amazing friends. So are amazing daughters. So are blooming flowers. And fantastic movies. And singing to the Cheech. And Vic loves clammy hands and that's cute.

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