
more things that make me happpppy

  • Making jam
  • My orange hibiscus
  • Growing pumpkins – their leaves get SOOO big yo!
  • The ‘sks’ sound like in words like ‘tusks’ or ‘asterisks’
  • Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory
  • Zach Galifinakis
  • The quiet that comes from lounging in the sun. The world sort of melts away...
  • Being amongst my wondrous things
  • Making strange little displays with my trinkets and toys
  • Daydreaming about my ideal artspace which would be an attic room with a balcony. Lots of light and quiet and warmth.
  • Belle and Shortcut
  • Belle and Sebastian
  • "Bruises" by Chairlift
  • Hippy crunchy bread with seeds and shit
  • Kids with olives on their fingers
  • Children with glasses
  • A Single Man – Tom Ford, I LOVE YOU!
  • Jacob's Irish soda bread
  • Fantasizing about moving to the Southwest
  • Kids pulling each other in a red wagon
  • Being consumed by a great book
  • Wondering if I could make this happylist into a GRID!
  • When the inspiration comes back


Jacob Blankenship said...

the southwest? oh god, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

But Tom Ford? Now that ! can get behind!


BK said...

Aren't beets lovely? They should be called beetsks. Having just returned from something bearing close resemblance to the desert southwest I have to say that while I had a fabulous time, I'm pretty thrilled to be back in our lush little valley :)